Inter-Congregational Bible Study Group Presents: “Basic Bible Study”

February 3, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

As we celebrate the new year, many of us spend a bit of time considering resolutions for the coming 12 months.  It’s like a fresh start, right? Maybe one of your resolutions is to get more into the Word of God, but not sure where to start.

I’m developing a six-week Bible study on some basic Christian beliefs, along with demonstrating some Bible resources you can use that will help.  You maybe know what you believe, but not sure why or where it can be found in Scripture.  This study is designed to provide Scripture for some very basic beliefs that will help as you share your faith with others and reinforce and solidify your own faith.

Here are the topics:

  1. Introduction to the Bible – some history, information on structure and how to use online Bible resources.
  2. What does the Bible say about the Bible?
  3. What does the Bible say about God?
  4. What does the Bible say about Jesus?
  5. What does the Bible say about salvation?
  6. What does the Bible say about prayer?

We’ll explore Scripture together and learn about some things you may not have ever heard.

These Bible studies will held via Zoom, so anyone with a computer can participate from the comfort of their home.

We’ll be planning to meet at 10 AM Alaska time on Saturday mornings beginning January 20th.

Because we want the group to remain small enough to have good discussions, registration is limited, so if interested, sign up early.  There is no cost for the studies.

If you want more information or wish to participate in the study, please get in touch with me.

Linda Kozak
