
St. Paul Lutheran Church is a place where we hear God’s call to be active in helping others.  Reaching out to others in need is what we do and its who we are as a church family.  We care for the hopeless, the hungry and the hurting.  We are a church that actively prays for our community and the world, then we get busy caring for God’s people.

Here is a list of some of the ministries and outreach areas we support.


Mercy Ships Ministry

Operation “Heal our Patriots”

K.A.M.P. Ministries

  • Brother Francis Shelter – The Brother Francis Shelter in Kodiak provides emergency shelter, an evening meal, shower and laundry facilities, advocacy and referrals for employment, housing and mental health services, and treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse.  The shelter serves both men and women.
  • Kodiak Women’s Resource & Crisis Center –
  • Salvation Army & Kodiak Baptist Mission – Food Pantries – St. Paul has a box where we collect non-perishable food donations in support of our local food pantries.
  • Woody Way Apartments – St. Paul has developed a wonderful friendship with our neighbors in the Woody Way Apartments.  At Christmastime we share the love of Jesus through helping with their Christmas party.

St. Paul offers support to our brothers and sisters in the state of Alaska.  We seek out opportunities, or organizations in need of help reach out to us for help.  It’s with a joyful heart that we help fellow Alaskans.

  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Our Mission’s Committee meets on a regular basis and make prayerful decisions about financial support we will provide to those in need outside of our local community.

Do you or someone you know need help?  Call St. Paul Lutheran Church at (907) 486-3632.